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Kanisa Holdings Limited (KHL) was formed in 2014 through a Kanisa SACCO Members’ Resolution during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 21st March 2014. As a fully- owned subsidiary company of Kanisa Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited, KHL is incorporated in the Republic of Kenya under the Companies Act (Cap 486) with the main purpose of creating investment opportunities to benefit members of Kanisa SACCO and the wider public. This establishment of the company was realized after an intensive analysis by the SACCO Management and conclusion that in order to ensure growth and members’ satisfaction through value addition, strategic and innovative means of wealth creation is desired. To this end, KHL was formed to meet dual goals thus:

To create and facilitate acquisition, by the SACCO members, of authentic investment opportunities - hence KHL becoming referred to as the investment vehicle of the SACCO; and

To enhance realization of additional sources of profits and growth.

Based on the above, KHL comes to meet the investment inadequacies in the SACCO given its restricted areas of operations. Since formation, the company has undertaken key agenda including building of governance system in which it has a fully-functioning Board of Directors and its respective Committees. Further, KHL developed, in 2015, an annual Business Plan to guide its operations. Out of the Plan, lessons learnt and challenges identified have been instrumental in the development of this Strategic Plan. It is also worthy to note that the Business Plan identified areas that the KHL desires to pursue.